Partner Integration:
How It Works

We can fit right into your current program or alongside it, complementing your learning or training objectives.

Become a Partner

What It Looks Like for Your Users

1. Set up the experience within your platform.

2. The user is directed to the specific content within the Tyto game environment.

3. The user completes the experience within Tyto.

4. Tyto relays progress information back to your platform, to use for progression and/or assessment.

The Process

3x faster, and 1/5 the cost, compared to hiring a contractor game developer.
Timeline estimated for a 6-quest storyline (1.5-hr game experience).
1. Pick topics & requirements

Your team. Decide the topics and learning objectives and provide any requirements.

Our team. Can consult on best recommendations and approach to complement your existing programs.

2. Map concept (1-2 wks)

Our team. We will propose the story we are going to incorporate the learning with and what particular learning would go into each quest, for your feedback/approval.

Your team. You can leave it to us, but if your team prefers to handle the learning mapping, we can give feedback and support in strong game design. Minimum of 10 storylines required to train your team.

3. Design the exact mechanics and content (2-3 wks)

Our team. Complete the instructional design, specifying how the concept will be achieved, including what mechanics (type of activities) will be used for each step in the learning.

Your team. How much your team wants to get involved in this process is also flexible. Can approve before progression.

4. Realize in our Authoring Tool (~3 wks)

Our team. We will turn the designed content into a game experience through our Content Authoring Tool. This includes making any custom art and animations needed to bring the experience to life.

5. Playtest and iterate (~3 wks)

Your team. Playtest the content and provide feedback and approval of the experience.

Our team. We will also playtest the content to make sure everything works as expected, and make changes as needed.

Want to learn more about the content creation process?

Implementation Models

These are some common ways we can integrate with existing curricula or programs.
We're also happy to design a model from scratch to meet your needs!
Tyto Experience per Chapter

A problem-based learning experience can be made to go with every chapter, reinforcing and helping to build the skills and competencies needed for those standards.


  • History — conduct an investigation in ancient Egypt, which was covered in the chapter
  • Math — design a playground to learn about coordinate grids
Tyto as a Capstone

If you want to spend less time in-game, we can create integrated capstone experiences that pull in context from multiple chapters with one problem-based experience that requires knowledge from each of them.


  • Math — conduct an analysis of heat in a city, pulling in concepts from multiple chapters about data analysis.
  • Science — investigate synthetic diamonds, pulling in concepts from earth science and physics from prior chapters
Tyto as a Supplemental Add-On

Rather than building experiences directly into the curricula, partners could create a supplemental add-on for new revenues that teachers can use in parallel with your curricula, but not embedded.

Partnership Case Studies

Together we can bring learning to the 21st century.

Interested in partnering to create content for your curriculum or program?

Investment starts at $50,000.

Submit an Inquiry

Not ready yet?

We're working on obtaining funding to make our authoring tool available to third-parties to create content themselves, making the process more affordable for any size of organization.

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